AM PM International Sdn. Bhd.
Revolutionizing the Future. Innovative Technologies for a Sustainable World
AM PM (Applied Materials & Power Management, Particle Mineralization, Material Engineering Bioscience) is a Provider for Sustainable, Environmental, Economical and Efficient (“S3E”) Concept of Circular Economy with Adaptability & Affordability.

About Us
Welcome to One Stop Center for Green Solutions” | “Achieving Food security, safety, sustainability and simplicity for circular economy
AM PM International Sdn Bhd (Co. Reg. No. 201901010221 (1319549-A)), provide technologies in the field of Environment, Agriculture, Material, and Energy, other than training, consultancy and management services related to the environment towards sustainability.
Our Services
AM PM offers Consulting and Management Services for projects:
Training and Module development
Landfill mining and material recovery
Healthy Water Technology
Contaminated soil remediation
Animal manures conversion into high quality compost
Bio-sludge treatment into fertilizer additives
Agricultural wastes conversion into high quality organo minerals

We carry multiple premium green products in its range of offerings which are all organic bio-solutions for multi-purpose use including, but not limited to, odour deodarizer, disinfectant, sanitizer, organic bio-fertilizer, liquid aqua nutrient enhancers and biosystems for varioys industry segments
dealers / agents / dropships wanted
Join us as a dealer/agent/dropshipper! Embrace eco-friendly opportunities with our premium organic bio-products. Deodorizers, sanitizers, fertilizers, and more. Be part of the green revolution!”
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