HyperBio brand, leading the charge towards a sustainable future with its premium green products made from natural resources, contributing to the circular economy and going zero waste. These organic alternatives are not only halal but also highly effective, all created from local waste, reducing the carbon footprint of each product.

Core services

AMPM Hyperbio Brand, carries multiple products in its range of offerings which are all produced from synthetic chemical-free organic bio-solutions for multi-purpose use including, but not limited to, malodour suppression, disinfectant, sanitizing, bio-organic fertilizers and stimulants, foliar nutrients, and “State-of-the-Art” systems for various industry segments. 

Our products are manufactured and produced using the proprietary and patented system of YaniSysTM with Strict Quality Management & Control – From Synthetics to Natural Organics.

We offer on-site value-added single services or regular services for malodor control, waste conversion for material and land space recovery, pest control, disinfection & sanitization for commercial and industrial facilities with bulk purchase of all our products and services.

foliar & bio-stimulant systems

bio organic fertilizers

Soil Conditioner

hyperbio accelerated composter system

Hyperbio Protect+

We offer on-site value-added singular or regular services for malodour treatment, waste conversion and recovery, pest control, disinfection for Residential, commercial and industrial clients. Bulk Purchase is welcomed.

For large scale inquiries, please email to